"Let your waves of heaven's glory come and illuminate me with your love...
“Hannah’s heart to worship Jesus is contagious, and she does a phenomenal job of leading the body of Christ into God’s presence. Not only is she an amazing singer/songwriter, but she leads worship experiences with such incredible passion, extreme sensitivity to the atmosphere in the room, and a strong confidence and ability to be led by the Holy Spirit.”
Mark Schneider
Rock School of Ministry
“I would highly recommend Hannah Ford as a spirit-filled, spirit-led worship leader! She has such a deep love for the Lord that shines through her as she leads God’s people in worship. She is a gifted and anointed singer, songwriter and worship leader and I have been blessed by her every time I have experienced her leading worship.”
Karen Stevens
Pastor of Women’s Ministry
Rock Church
San Diego, CA
“Hannah, Darkness and demons flee when you sing…”
Dean Sherman
International Dean for the College of Christian Ministries in Youth With a Mission’s “University of the Nations”
Kona, Hawaii
“Hannah Ford is a breath of fresh air. She is refreshing in sound, pure in creativity, and genuine in her love for Jesus. In a day when it is becoming more common for Christian musicians to seek fame and glory it is very encouraging to find someone whose strongest feature is a heart for God and His people.”
Bill Johnson
Senior Pastor, Bethel Church, Redding, California
“Once in a while, a gifted person crosses ones path and leaves such and indelible impression that you feel people everywhere must experience her presence. Such a unique individual is Hannah Ford. She writes, she plays, she sings. All of these gifts resonate from a fresh, young, energetic personality that has been surrendered to the will of God. This gifted lady has ministered overseas and in America. In hard-core prisons and rough Juvenile detention centers, her spirit filled demeanor, personal testimony and relevant music penetrated hardened hearts and shattered satanic barriers, paving the way for broken lives to vibrate once more with hope. Should you desire a blessed and unique experience and wish Hannah Ford to minister in your area, I recommend her without hesitation.”
Ralph Bell, Billy Graham Association
“Of all the various artists we have come and play at Calvary Chapel South Bay, no one has left a greater impression than Hannah Ford. Hannah truly is unique and has a style all her own. She has a pleasant spirit and a beautiful stage presence that truly exudes the Lord Jesus. There’s such a sweetness and humility about Hannah, no one could help but be encouraged in their worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s artists like Hannah Ford that make the perfect role-model for people of all ages, including teens and young people of our times.”
Don Modglin, Assistant Pastor, Calvary Chapel, South Bay, CA
Hannah Ford is part of a bold, edgy, new breed of radical reformer who’s revelatory insight and prophetic foresight emerge through her music to impact this generation with profound Kingdom encounters. Hannah’s album is more than great music, it is a Holy Spirit journey into the very heart of the Father… a violent act of grace that pulls heaven to earth!
Kris Vallotton, Associate Pastor, Bethel Church, Redding, California
Hannah Ford is one of the most wonderful and solid worship leaders I know. My wife, Heather, and I have been pioneering and pastoring churches overseas for over twenty years in Central America and Europe... I can always depend upon Hannah to bring the Glory of God into a meeting...She can work between heaven and earth at the same time and bring the two together in a church service. Her heart is obviously so in tune with God on Sundays because of her relationship with Him Monday through Saturday.
Kevin Sanford, Pastor, The Mission Church, Poway, California
Hi “Hannah Friends”! This is Mary Jones, the pastor’s wife for SBCC where Hannah was the speaker and worship leader for our women’s retreat this past weekend. I just want to say that Hannah is AWESOME … really! I truly fell in love with her genuine spirit, her worship style and songs, her love for the Lord, her playful (sometimes goofy – in a good way – ha) personality, and her love for people. If you are looking for someone to use as a speaker/worship leader, Hannah is someone I would highly recommend! She will bless your socks off!
Mary Jones
Pastor’s Wife and Women’s Ministry Leader
South Bay Community Church, National City, CA
Ms. Hannah Ford is one of the most talented singers, writers, and all around performers that it has been my privilege to know. However, it is more important to note that all of this is communicated in one of the most authentic personal expressions of Christianity I have experienced. I highly recommend her with no reservation.
John R. Lillis, Ph.D., Dean/Executive Officer, Bethel Seminary San Diego
(Recently relocated to Grace College and Seminary in Indianapolis.)
“Since Hannah Ford won the Fish and KKLA Starfish competition in Southern California, God has used her music all over the world. From Russia, to Mexico,the Philippines, Morocco, US prisons, churches, and much more, her ministry of evangelism and worship are powerful. Not only that, she’s super talented and her music rocks! Her passionate and unique sound complement her powerful songwriting. If you want to hear music that is filled with contagious passion for God don’t miss out by overlooking this artist! Hannah’s first album helped her to win the Starfish competition, but this next one is even better! Buy the album, book her, and prepare to be blessed!”
Reba Toney, 95.9 The Fish, LA Radio DJ
“I am blown away by Hannah’s commitment and determination to live out her calling! Fervency is Hannah’s best work yet! These are not songs written just for the sake of writing songs but seem to come sincerely from the depths of her heart. I also enjoyed the sound and vibe of the production…Hannah Ford radiates God’s joy and hope as she worships. Through her musical gifts and passionate heart God works in powerful ways.””
Tommy Walker, Integrity Music
“Normally, one judges independent artists on a lower scale than ‘record company’ projects, but I would put this album against anything I’ve heard from Nashville in the last year. Good on yer, lass!”
Bob Kilpatrick, “My Time Out” Devotional Show, K-LOVE Radio
“I have known Hannah Ford and her family for many years now. Not only is Hannah a godly woman that loves Jesus Christ with all her heart, she also has an angelic voice that glorifies God through singing her songs of praise to our King. She is a great song writer and musician. She also has an anointing and gifting to invite the Sweet Presence of our Lord in times of worship. She has done special music at our Banquet at Spirit West Coast, Del Mar, CA twice now, and has led worship for our Baja Christian Ministries support teams when we partnered with TeenMania–Global Expeditions in Baja Blast 1000 in 2005 and three years of Baja Blasts in each year that followed. She is an inspiration and blessing to the body of Christ and has a heart for evangelism and for missions. I’m honored to write an endorsement on her behalf.”
Bob Sanders
Founder of Baja Christian Ministries
“The Worship Café.com has seen its share of artists from the guy next door to national headlining acts and few have made the kind of impact that Hannah made during her performance and interview and continues to make via her album.
I am truly thankful for the blessing Hannah has been to my listeners and me. Artists who wear their heart on their sleeve and are transparent are few and far between, but Hannah ford is different. Just listen it all comes across in her music and in person.
Thanks again Hannah.”
Jymi Stewart, TheWorshipCafe, KWAVE Radio
Hannah is a very special person who has the beautiful gift of composing lyrics and music together to bring glory to God. Her love for Jesus Christ and His word is evident in her music, along with her love for missions and evangelism. Hannah has been our musical guest at special outreaches for our women’s ministry and singles’ ministry at Calvary Chapel South Bay. Every time she performs it is done with an honest and transparent heart, sharing her lover for Jesus Christ and for His word. She loves to worship and is very easy to work with, always looking for opportunities to serve the body of Christ. It has been a pleasure getting to know Hannah and we have enjoyed working with her. I wish her my very best as she pursues her dreams and continues to use her talents for the Lord.
Steve Mays, Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel, SouthBay
“Hannah’s deep love and commitment to the Lord comes through in her music….and everyone is blessed. She has a passion to use her God-given gifts to reach others for Christ. She is a very talented singer, songwriter, and guitar player. Her audience is immediately drawn to her warm, sensitive, and caring music outreach…Jesus shines through her presentation. Hannah is a Christian professional with a heart of evangelism and her music ministry is powerful.”
Elaine Mercer, World Vision International, Monrovia, CA
“I have had the pleasure of getting to know Hannah Ford both as an artist at the LifeLight Festival and through the Unlock the Power Tour that she was on. First of all, she is musically extremely talented; she has a gift of connecting with the audience that cannot be conveyed through just a CD. Most importantly for us, she is so ministry focused.”
Alan Greene Founder, LifeLight Communications, Sioux Falls, SD
“Hannah is a breathe of fresh, clean air. She is gifted and has such an amazing heart to boot. When I think of Hannah I think of sincerity in the fullest form”
Lauren Kitchens, KFSH/Los Angeles: Orange County
“Hannah has lyrics that are thought provoking, searching, and insightful, with that a unique alternative pop sound that hooks you into listening. It’s no wonder listeners chose her as “Independent Artist of the Year!”
Josh Jacobs, KFSH/ Los Angeles: Orange County
“Hannah’s voice has a quality to it that is unique and captivating. She’s an unqualified hit!”
Jim Dennison, Former Pastoral Staff, Soul Survivor, Watford, England
“Hannah Ford was fantastic. I will be sending a copy of her CD back east to a Christian radio announcer I know of in St. Louis so he can play it on the air. Her entire presence was uplifting and powerful. She actually stole the show, if you will.”
Chaplain Bruce, Prison Chaplain, Heman Stark Youth Correctional Facility, Chino, CA
“…Both the students and I didn’t know what to expect; but when she was finished, there was not one person in the audience who didn’t love what they heard… the music was awesome! Not only was it performed very well, but the style itself was incredible…. She had the entire audience participating with her on one of her songs…She became a friend to the students and ministered to tem the way Christ did… You will not find many people that can combine all of these things so well with such a great resulting effect!”
Joel Wood, Pastor, Carson Bible Church, Carson, CA
“Hannah participated in several programs bringing the Word of the Lord through song. We received several letters and calls from various Chaplains in the prisons stating that the prisoners loved and were impacted by Hannah and her music. Hannah was a true blessing to our ministry and a joy to work with. As our team prepares to leave California, Hannah will be sorely missed but the memories cherished.”
Terry Hoff, Billy Graham Crusade Associate
“For the first days after your leaving we listened to your cd for all of the days. And now your songs make us happy and closer to the God. We began to visit Church and we do it very often cause there we felt something new in us….”
-Ana and Ira, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
“I love your music. There’s something very pure about it. I listen to it every day and night. I love it.”
-Simo, Marrakech, Morocco
“I wanted to tell you that I’ve always loved singing Christian worship songs. But this week I feel like I’ve learned how to really worship God for the first time. Thank you so much for leading us this week!”
-Rachel, Ohio, USA
“I wanted to tell you that all through out the week when you did worship, I really actually felt like I was praising God how I’m suppose to!!!!! Thanks for letting God use you as a tool of his awesome work to become closer to Him!!!! You really do, do a great job with worship and God does great things through you!!!!!”
-Jackie, Garden Grove, CA, USA